Build & Run

Build & Run

Once we have clone the repository we need to execute the next commands:

$ cd Docker/ImageRecognition
$ docker build -t xiaomin .

Here we need to wait a couples of minutes, meanwhile all the container is created.

Then once this have finish we need to :

$ sh

This will run the container and give use access to it. Let´s explain a this file.

This will help us (optional) for displaying images with cv.imshow()

xhost +local:docker

In this command we need to make sure to give the camera as a parameters so container could use it.

sudo docker run -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --device /dev/video0 xiaomin

Once that we are on the docker terminal. We could access to this 3 example by executing the command that correspond.

We could find this at howtorun.txt

On Docker / terminal

$ source Setup/

Face Detection
$ python3 Scripts/ImageRecognition/FaceDection/ 

Object Tracking
python3 Scripts/ImageRecognition/TrackObject/ --filter HSV --webcam
python Scripts/ImageRecognition/TrackObject/

Real-time object detect
python Scripts/ImageRecognition/RealtimeObjectDetection/ --prototxt MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt.txt --model MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel

Docker execute

We could also access to this docker by executing


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