This application allows the robot to use a microphone to record a phrase in spanish and then with the help of Google APIs translate it to English.
First we need to import the libraries that we are going to use.
In this case we are going to use the google cloud apis, and speech recognition.
Explaining the code
First we need to get the credentials of the json file to storage at "Google_Application_credentials"
Then we connect to the vision.googleapis and open a connection.
We also use the translate api so we could change the result to spanish, we select spanish at the target.
We use speak to tell the user to be prepare to say his phrase.
First we calibrate the ambient noise, we record 5 seconds.
We start recording when the user start to talk and stop when we detect complete silence.
We send the audio to google api, and we recibe the translated audio.
We use espeak to tell the original phrase, and then the translated phrase.
We use some try and catch to prevent errors of translation.
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