Robot Wiring
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This is the schematic of the whole system:
The step that we follow during the wiring was:
Wire each leg. From the battery to the switch and then to the Textrix Module.
Wire the DC Motor of each leg to the back of the robot.
One source will turn on the Edison and power the servos, while the other one is exclusively for the motors.
Connect the power and the ground to the patchpanel at the back of the robot. (Left - GNR, Right - Power)
From left to right take all the cables of each Servomotor and attach to the piece of the back.
Wire the power of all the DC motors, 4 to left (Elbow, Shoulder, Head) and 3 to the right (Elbow, Shoulder,) textrix panel.
Wire all the ground of the servormotors to the patchpanel (Left panel).
When everything is assembled, your Edison and the blocks will look something like this:
Wire all the signal of the servomotors to the patchpanel (Up panel).
Put Edison, Dual H-Bridge, PWM, Breakoutboard together. Down the bottom we have the mini breakout board, then the SparkFun Dual H Bridge, next the SparkFun PWM and finally the Edison module.
Wire all the signal of the patchpanel to Edison pwm module.
Wire the two cables of the two DC Motors to the Dual H Bridge
Wire the eyes to the backpack.
Put the upboard at the middle of the robot.
Connect the converter of power from the patch panel to the support, and then to the upboard.
Connect the HDMI, wifi, camera to Upboard.