The Tello SDK connects to the aircraft through a Wi-Fi UDP port, allowing users to control the drone with text commands
Use Wi-Fi to establish communication between Tello and PC, Mac or Mobile device
Send Command & Receive Response
Receive Tello State
Receive Tello Video Stream
Possible Response
entry SDK mode
ok / error
Tello auto takeoff
ok / error
Tello auto land
ok / error
Set video stream on
ok / error
Set video stream off
ok / error
Stop all motors inmediately
ok / error
up x
Tello fly up with distance x cm (20-500)
ok / error
down x
Tello fly down with distance x cm (20-500)
ok / error
left x
Tello fly left with distance x cm (20-500)
ok / error
right x
Tello fly right with distance x cm (20-500)
ok / error
forward x
Tello fly forward with distance x cm (20-500)
ok / error
back x
Tello fly back with distance x cm (20-500)
ok / error
cw x
Tello rotate x degree clockwise x (1-3600)
ok / error
ccww x
Tello rotate x degree counter-clockwise x (1-3600)
ok / error
flip x
Tello fly flip x l - left r - right f - forward b - back
ok / error
go x y z speed
Tello fly to x y z in speed (cm/s) (xyz: 20 -500, speed: 10-500)
ok / erro
curve x1 y1x2 y2 z2 speed
Tello fly a curve defined by the current and two given coordinates with speed (cm/s) If the arc radius is not within the range of 0.5-10 meters, it responses false
ok / error
For more details go to SDK Page SDK Documentation EN_1.3.pdf
Last updated