Mathematical Model
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For the formulation of this localization model is presented below:
I = set of demand nodes i.
J = set of the candidate locations of the facilities j.
dij = distance between the demand node i and its candidate facility located at site j.
hi = demand of node i.
p = number of facilities to locate.
Defining the following decision variables:
χj = 1, if it is located at site j;
0, otherwise.
γij, if the demand of node i is assigned to the facility located in site j;
0, otherwise.
W = maximum distance between a demand node and its facility to which the node is assigned.
The p-center can be formulated as follows:
The objective function (1.1) minimizes the maximum demand-distance between each node of demand and the nearest selected facility.
x The restriction (1.2) establishes that there are p number of facilities to be located.
x The restriction (1.3) requires that each demand node be assigned exactly to only one facility.
x The restriction (1.4) only allows the demand of a node to be assigned to a open facility, this is a selected facility.
x The restriction (1.5) stipulates that the maximum distance between node i and the facility in the site j, denoted by W is larger than the distance between any node i and the facility located on site j.
x The set of restrictions (1.6) and (1.7) establishes the binary nature of the decision variables.