The company ARM has a certain number of points of sale where its offices and areas of creation and sales, are located in different points of the city of Puebla said company must have properly located their 27 clients and their points of sale, the company is dedicated to the creation of school backpacks this company must supply the demand of all its 27 clients, each client must be supplied by one of the plants, the company requires to minimize the costs of installation and distribution of the material.
The company needs to apply a method in a way that incurs even more in competitiveness to maximize the benefits of its backpack delivery service by attracting the highest number of demand points maximizing its market share, selecting all its customers in groups. Each group of clients is related to a specific location, the objective of applying this method is to obtain groups of clients by making the product arrive by locating one or several points to cover the demand of all its clients, obtaining the benefits of covering the market by satisfying its clients locating an optimal route with the objective of minimizing the global transport costs.
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